Sunday 9 September 2007

TV Icons

Okay, so there's some orange bitch on the TV, yapping about buget holidays and the fashion industries.

Now I remember why I DON'T WATCH TV.

The McCannes were coming back to Britain and Sky News had reporters waiting to accost the plane they were travelling on. And I was just thinking, is this really nessersary?

Everyone's nosey. Everyone's biased. If Madeline wasn't a pretty blonde, or the parents young, healthy caucasians then who would really give a shit? Not the media, that's for sure.

"We brits love our meat" wtf? Oh, and now they're playing music from The Matrix Reloaded. On a food programme. Is there anyone else who thinks this is just wrong? And anyway, I hate meat. Chicken's all right, but everything else...I really can't be arsed eating it.

I can't be arsed with food in general lately. Ever since being very ill in the summer I just haven't recaptured my appetite. Which is good, I guess - I've gone down to 10 stone. I'd still like to loose more, though. But if I think about it, I'll never loose it >_<


The iron keeps on behaving very strangely and firing out sporadic short bursts of steam. I'm sure it's not supposed to do that. Oh well.

Anyways, it appears to be official: Gerard Way is now married! Lol. Thank God Eliza's out of the picture. I don't understand the thinking behind shotgun weddings, though - surely the whole point of getting married is to dress up and have a big day?

Lol I guess it's just as well I'm not ready to be married yet. I've probably missed the point completely. And after witnessing a marriage collapse as spectacually as my parents', then I don't think I ever will.


I'm meeting Mattman at 3. It's funny, he's like a gay best friend who's straight - I think the only male friend I actually have without an underlying sense of sexual tension. With that out of the way, it's good to just sit and talk, friends.

I had better go and get dressed. I'm still wearing PJs. I haven't taken them off for more than 24 hours now. Disgusting? Maybe, but ever so convinient.

And comfortable :)